Our open house was great – thanks to all of you who stopped
by to see the classroom and meet everyone!
For those of you that didn’t get a chance to stop in, here are some
pictures of our room!
When the kids first come in, they will get some playtime - they can play with our 'play church' area, which, fortuitously had a small altar that we can use each week!
There are felt communion wafers (my 2 year old has already powdered her face with them), a "chalice" (fancy wooden egg cup), a stole, cross, a*flameless* candle, a kids Bible and a bowl with a wet cloth in it. They can feel free to touch and feel and play with anything on it! You can take items down and show it to your infants as well.
Also, we have the letters MUSTARD SEED in tactile materials, which you can play with, mix up and let your little one crawl over and feel the different textures
We also have stained-glass blocks (wooden frames with colored plastic inserts, so they can be chewed on, etc.) and a sensory bin - I am hoping to have a light table up this Sunday.
Then, after we gather and play and the parents have time to talk about a parent-topic, we'll gather in the middle of the room for songs and stories. September's theme is "This Little Light of Mine" and we'll be introducing ourselves, our families and finding out who and what a church family is.
Lastly, we will do a craft - It will be simple enough that you can do it with your toddler or that you can do it for your infant and then show it to them and/or interact with them with it.
Then we'll close with prayer and a hand-stamp (always a favorite!)
Can't wait to see you this Sunday at 9:00am!
Here are some more pictures of our room:
Posters: "God's world is a playground" "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed..." "The Lord is my strength and my song"
Prayer Request Board: If you have a prayer request, you can post it here. if you want to add others to your prayer list, check here.
There's lots more, so come and check us out! I'll post more after our first Mustard Seeds class. See you then!
Ruth Hanley
Ruth Hanley
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