A broader definition of faith formation for 21st century families

Friday, September 7, 2012

Welcome to another year of Mustard Seeds!

The nights are getting darker earlier and all the school-aged kids are boarding busses and heading off to school.  The night air wafts of pencil shavings, apples and lawns that are browning in the sun’s last efforts to make an significant impact.  At this time, parents can be overwhelmed by too many activities starting up.  Stay-at-home parents and paid-workforce parents alike may feel isolated.  Mustard Seeds Family Sunday School (and this blog) is a way to reach out and make create a community of parents of the youngest children among us.  The time of infancy and toddlerhood is one of angelic nap tableaus as well as shockingly powerful meltdowns.  It may be a time for you of no sleep, falling asleep or insomnia while you wait for them to wake up in the middle of the night (in which case they never do).  Such varied experiences and so much work for anticipating the needs of these pre-verbal , barely-verbal or ‘how did (s)he get so darn verbal all of a sudden’ infants and toddlers.  However, one thing we do know is that the ages of 0-3 are some of the most impactful times for brain-developmental in a child’s life.  This just means that some of your rituals and traditions that you have established or will establish are becoming a part of their fabric of who your little one is: church, snuggle time, reading time, bathtime, vacations, visiting family…the list is endless.  There are so many great ways to reach out and speak to your little one in a language that resonates with them.  The mere sound of your voice is the most powerful influence.  Also, there are sensory activities where they can feel, smell, taste, see and hear.   In Mustard Seeds this year, we will have many activities that speak to this sensory language and give you ideas for developing faith rituals in your family, but only you and your family know what works best for your little unit.

I will post some pictures of our Open House this Sunday and I hope to see you there!

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